Monday, October 20, 2008

Merdeka Cup 2008 & ULTRAS MALAYA so far

Today is the third match day of Merdeka Cup 2008 or its famous name Pestabola Merdeka has taken place, with already 2 teams have booked their semi-final tickets; Malaysia the host and exciting young squad of Olympic Vietnam Under-23. MBPJ Stadium and Shah Alam Stadium have been the venues for the first two matches of both group, A & B, but for the last group matches today and tomorrow, National Stadium Bkt Jalil will be the venue used from this last group matches until Final match, on 25TH October, alongside Shah Alam Stadium for Semi-Final match. This is most likely due to the very bad condition of the field surface that badly affected by heavy rain.

Malaysia started the campaign brilliantly well with a whooping victory, crushing Nepal 4-0 on the first match. Harimau Malaya then again demonstrating the same consistent crushing movement on to beat Sierra Leone; which unfortunate to come to this tournament late and registered their U-20 player, on the second match. And today, at 8.45pm Malaysian time, at National Stadium Bkt Jalil, Malaysia will meet talented Afghanistan side which fielded 3 of their German-based player. Should be a great match to watch even though Coach Sathia’s approach to field Malaysia’s second team, to rest our best player for upcoming Semi Final match and also at the same time, offer the opportunity to Malaysian Subs and Reserves to show their trick and skill to ‘tackle’ Sathia for a place of AFF Suzuki Cup upcoming December.

Malaysia started the campaign brilliantly well with a whooping victory, crushing Nepal 4-0 on the first match. Harimau Malaya then again demonstrating the same consistent crushing movement on to beat Sierra Leone; which unfortunate to come to this tournament late and registered their U-20 player, on the second match. And today, at 8.45pm Malaysian time, at National Stadium Bkt Jalil, Malaysia will meet talented Afghanistan side which fielded 3 of their Germany-based player. Should be a great match to watch even though Coach Sathia’s approach to field Malaysia’s second team, to rest our best player for upcoming Semi Final match and also at the same time, offer the opportunity to Malaysian Subs and Reserves to show their trick and skill to ‘tackle’ Sathia for a place of AFF Suzuki Cup upcoming December.

So far, the crowd have been pleasing and satisfied with our player’s performance. Score 8 goals and got past none, what an ‘achievement’! Personally, a great start that I never imagine. Remember last year campaign that we were the Champions? We didn’t off to this kind of great start. So, with this year performance, I have a really strong feeling of us again for the second time in a row win it!haha!

Speaking about fans, urghh don’t want to go into that can’t i? Erm as usual, Malaysian typical supporters. Bought the ticket, look for a sit, have some cigar, and the best part ‘maki’ the players. ’Puk*ma*, Fuc*er,But*h and all sumer kluar.Huhu. Macam lah aku x buat cmtu kan..hahaha. Erm Malaysian fans have to change their mind set from now on if we, dreaming of 1 day winning our first Asia Cup, and then barulah bley men World Cup.hehe..Support team btul2.Encouraging skit.

So, we ULTRAS MALAYA, came out with 3 large banner and 2 flags. We been on TV two times now. TV3 likes us. Huhu.What an achievement for this ‘budak lagi’ movement la I personally believe. And some more according to our Beloved Abg Amir who sponsored us the ticket from FAM, Datuk Azuddin, the boss of FAM below the Sultan, now recognized us too. Hehe. And Safee Sali pon ske kitorunk jgak. Haha. Sper2 nk join,

Our action below..

1 comment:

OTAI (Otak Tenang Akal Inovatif) said...

Monday, October 27, 2008
Kisah ketam Melayu Dan Ketam Cina
Tak lama dahulu ada seorang pemuda melayu yang teringin makan nasi berlaukkan ketam. Pada suatu pagi maka dia pun pergilah ke pasar borong dan berjalan ke satu kedai milik cina yang menjual ketam.

Pemuda melayu : Apek! Itu ketam ada jual ka?

Apek : Ada... ada... lu mau ketam cina ka ketam melayu?

Pemuda melayu : Aik! Ketam pun ada melayu dengan cina ke apek? Cuba lu tunjuk mana ketam melayu, mana ketam cina?

Apek : Itu sana dalam bekas ada tutup... ketam cina... sana dalam bekas tak ada tutup... ketam melayu la...

Pemuda melayu : Apa pasal ketam cina apek kasi tutup... ketam melayu apek tak kasi tutup?

Apek : Itu ketam cina kalau satu ekor keluar... yang lain akan tengok dan kasi belajar macam mana boleh keluar dari bekas. Nanti lama-lama semua ketam pandai macam mana mau keluar dari bekas. Jadi semua keluar

Pemuda melayu : Ketam melayu tak itu macam ka?

Apek : Ketam melayu, kalau satu ekor keluar yang lain kasi tarik itu kaki ketam tadi.. jangan kasi keluar. Dia mau dia seekor saja keluar...yang lain biar dalam bekas. Kalau dia sudah keluar, dia terus lari, tak mau ajar yang lain macam mana mau keluar. Begitulah cerita ketam melayu dengan ketam cina.

Hakikatnya, jika orang cina berniaga.... kaum cina yang lain tak akan kacau... dia tengok aje dan belajar macam mana boleh berjaya daripada mereka yang telah berjaya sebelum ini. Cina dah berjaya tu pulak, akan ajar cina lain agar berjaya juga sepertiama kejayaan yang pernah dilaluinya.

Manakala bagi orang melayu, bila seseorang individu melayu nak berjaya, maka individu melayu lain akan guna apa saja kaedah dan cara supaya orang melayu tu tersebut gagal dan jatuh kembali. Sepertimana cerita ketam melayu, bila seekor ketam dah berjaya nak naik keatas, maka ketam-ketam yang lain akan menarik kaki ketam tersebut. Daripada orang lain berjaya, baik sama-sama tak berjaya dengan erti kata lain. Lepas tu mula lah mahu bergaduh sesama sendiri dan kemudiannya kesemua sekali tidak akan berjaya.

Itulah hakikat sebenar yang berlaku di dalam dunia dan persekitaran sekarang ini, sebab tulah kaum melayu tak maju dan sentiasa layu. Macamana mahu belajar daripada sejarah, sesungguhnya melayu itu sendiri mudah lupa (meminjam kata-kata YABhg. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad). Fikir-fikirkanlah..
Posted by Kamikazie at 3:37:00 AM 0 comments
