Friday, May 30, 2008

Italy 23-man Squad

OFFiCiaL LISt of dE 23 ITaLy SQuaD


1 Buffon
14 Amelia
17 De Sanctis

2 Panucci
3 Grosso
4 Chiellini
5 Cannavaro
6 Barzagli
19 Zambrotta
23 Materazzi

8 Gattuso
10 De Rossi
13 Ambrosini
16 Camoranesi
20 Perrotta
21 Pirlo
22 Aquilani

7 Del Piero
9 Toni
11 Di Natale
12 Borriello
15 Quagliarella
18 Cassano

Forza Azzuri~

Luca Toni : Luca 'The Guy'


Nickname: Azzurri

FIFA ranking: 3

Manager: Roberto Donadoni

Key Player: Luca Toni

Captain: Fabio Cannavaro

European Championship record

• 1960 - Did not Enter • 1964 - Did not Qualify • 1968 - Winners • 1972 - Did not Qualify • 1976 - Did not Qualify • 1980 - Semi-Final • 1984 - Did not Qualify • 1988 - Semi-Final • 1992 - Did not Qualify • 1996 - Round One • 2000 - Final • 2004 - Round One

I'll B SuppOrtInG iTALy FoR dE 1St TiME fRom BLok 1 cOMMoN rOOm!hAHaha..WiT tEmaN2 SeaNgKAtaN yG aKAn MeMerIAhkaN iPba 4 De nExT 2 WeeKs..aW WuTTa GReaT LiFe I'M haViN..HAhaHA..ChEeRS gUys~

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tribute to John Terry~

HaHAhaHA!Tis Is BLooDy FuNNy..I gOt Tis 1 frOM EvertonBanter...hAhaHA..SowIE JT..caNt HeLP iT bUt 2 LaUGh!

Jags & Three Lions Squad

PhiL JaGiELka, aS One Of The MosT COnsIStEnT PrEmIeR LeaGuE pERfOrMeRS tIs SeaSoN, ReCeIvE His FiRSt sEnioR caLL-uP FrOm CaPeLLo 2 faCe USa tIS wEdnESdAy eArLiEr Tis MOnTh!!CoNgRAtz jAgs..hOpE U wILL rEcEiVed MorE n MoRe EnGLaNd caLL-uP in The FuTuRe..U rOx!COyB!

The Home Of Evertonians~Goodison Park Makeover

EveRToN'S tUrF is BeINg RepLaCed FoR NexT SeaSoN caMpaIgN!!c'mOn YoU BLuE!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

InDiaNA JoNes RoX!SuPerB LwaK daN bESh..4tH FiLm oF dE FraNcHisE sINcE 'De LosT Ark' 1981(WLoPoN aDer OrG X taU ni De 4Th sERiES..haHAha! =] )..

Da Lmer GLeR TnGGu Nk TGk FiLM NI..Dr StIAp haRI yG SlaLu bLi FrOStIeS DPt maZe bEntUK2 sKULL 2 SmpaI La AcaP LAtElY StaRT taMPaL DinDinG OuR rOOm DgN bOx fRosTiES..So KRe Cm StIAp HArI bnGun NmPAk IndIAna JoNES La!haHA!

CrEaTeD By GeOrgE LuCAs+DiRectED By SPiELbErG=haSiL yG aMAt geMPAk..PLoT,CGi,dESiGn,BcKgRnD 50'S,EFFeCT,caMeRA,MusIC(Yg RAidERS maRCh 2 StILL rEpLAy kT OtaK Lg..HUHu..CLaSsICaL!) sUMeR SuPerB..LuCAs Art Kn nmEr POn..Tgk sTAr wArs da La..HUHu..

ActOr PLAk haRRisON FoRd, aT AgE oF 58,ArgUAbLy aCtOr OrG tUA Yg sGt sTYLo..LOmPAt sNeR LomPaT Sni,BLaSaH oRG,tNgKAp ULaR!(haha) X UbaH smEr Cm dE MuDe2 dLu..LwaK dE pOn sTiLL MnJAdI La..hUHu

sIDe KicK INdIAna JOnes,mUtt WiLLiaMS,iaITu ShIA LaBeouf PoN rOx..De jD maMAt aLa2 cItEr GrEAse..baLek2 sIKAt rmBut,Ngn MOtOr ngN pISaU SimPAn dLM kaSut..MMg cOOL La..TraVoLta HAbES..PeRSonaLLy, I thInk MAmaT nI WiLL eNd Up LiK haRRisON foRd in TiS iNdUStrY La..Sbb ONce u teaM uP wIt LuCAs &sPieLbErg n Co, aNd u PerFoRm, eVeRy ThEiR nEXt FiLM PoN ShOLy U jGAk Yg jD hERo..TgK haRRisOn ForD La..StaR WArs Pon De jD HaN SoLo..PAsTU 4 FRAnChISe Of IndIAna JoNES Lg..mmG SLaLU nYe LuCAs&SpIeLBeRG SLaLu CMtU La..sHIA LaBeoUf B4 tIS da Jd StaR DisTuRbIA N tRAnsFoRmErs..2 pON sPieLbERg MAsTA mInd La 2..Gud LucK LaBeOuF~U rOx!

EnDinG fIlLm Ni SmaRt La..eNdInG yg SrUpa Ngn THeOrY ArcHAeOLOGisT SaL sUMer bInaAN GeMpaK2 daN pELiK2 Kt MuKE buMi Ni..Di maNa BiNAaN caM pIraMid GiZa,aZtEC,gREAt wALL o ChIna KeR,SumEr aLiEn Yg wAT..dLm cItEr nI, tEmPLe O AkaToR Ni KrE cM pELik La..daN AgaK musTAhiL MAnUSia Yg waT..laSt2 tEmpLe NI rUNtUh LnGSuNG DAn DpT tgK yG sTRukTuR teMPLe 2 aDaLAh UFO..paS RunTuH UFO TErbAng,sItE TeMPLe 2 tInGGaL KesAN dLM,psTu aIr MSuk,jdIlAh MeGA waTeRFaLL,BeGItULaH thEoRy NyE..SesUNggUHnYA MuKA bUmI yG KIte DudOK nI Da LeBeY BePuLuH aBAd..McM2 BeRLakU..mCM2 raHSia..SetIAp raHSia aLAm Ni mNGkin anTAraNya x DpT kiTE KeTAhUi..HAnya ALLaH SwT JeR yG taU..WaLLAhUALAm~

Suasana Hari Guru

Hai selamat hari guru
Kami semua ucapkan
Menikmati pelajaran
Yang kami sediakan

Sila pilih sukatan
Dengan subjek2 berkenaan
Pakailah juga buku teks
Sila janganlah segan

( korus 1 )
Rasalah kapur putih ini
Dengan papan hitamnye sekali
Sudilah rasa rotanku
Pilihlah yang mana satu

( korus 2 )
Hai... di hari begini
Kita menjamu selera (??)
Kita bermaaf-maafan
Di suasana hari guru

( ulang dari mula )

haHAha..CAm sIOt!..hAHahHAahA! Ok I kNO iTS a bIt LatE(A bIt?hUHu..)..Da LmEr LpaS Kn HArI guRU(hARi LAsT BtN 2..huhU)..Tp X kESaH La..a JoKe Is StiLL a JoKE..SLAmaT haRi GuRu Dr baKAL GuRu iNi uTk sUmER GUrU2 kU DAn IbU baPa Ku Yg JuGA GuRu DgN haRApaN Ak AKn MeNjaDi GuRu yG baIK KpD aNk daN anK2 MuRiD Ak Pd MasEr HadAPaN..InSyaLLaH~

Becks Scores from 70 Yards Out~ : ]

BacK iN AuGusT 1996,He sTRuCk OnE Of The MOSt IMpRessIve GoaLs I EveR SeeN, wHEn He sCoRed FrOm The HALf WaY LiNE aGaiNSt NEiL SuLLiVAn Of WImBeLDoN..LoNg n AcCuRAte sTrIke!AnnOuNCIng thAt A neW FAntasTic TaLeNt HaD aRRiVed tO dO FAntaStIC thInG thaT mOSt PLayA WUdN'T eVen tRy.

ALmOSt a DozEn YeaRS LAtEr,YeStErDAy,AgaINSt KAnsaS CiTy wiZArDS,in The wHiTE aND YeLLow CoLoUr Of LA GaLaXy,HE maDe It OnCE aGAiN..BuT tHis TiME,EvEn FuRtHeR,frOm 70 YArds OuT!ThaNks To kAnsAs CiTy GK wHo WeN UpFiELd DuRiNg TheIr CoRnEr KiCk aND LeFt ThEiR gOaL EmPtY.AnY HAtErs WhO dOuBt BeCks StaTs,TAke TaT y'aLL!RiGht In yA FAce!HAha!

ChCk OuT tHAt gOaL..aMAZiNg..BeND iT LiKE bEcKhAm!

Friday, May 23, 2008


What Afiq Means

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings.

You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun.

Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

People see you as a complete enigma, and only you truly understand who you are.

You spend most of your time introspecting and seeking truth.

You're a very interesting person... but not many people know you enough to realize it.

x TAu CmNA mEnDe Ni BLeY bERfUnGsI dGn BegItU rEaL SkaLi..GLer BTuL..U gUys SHud tRy nI..mAgIC..

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Certain Romance


Well oh they might wear classic Reeboks
Or knackered Converse
Or tracky bottoms tucked in socks
But all of that's what the point is not
The point's that there isn't no romance around there

And there's the truth that they can't see
They'd probably like to throw a punch at me
And if you could only see them, then you would agree
Agree that there in't no romance around there

You know
Oh it's a funny thing you know
We'll tell them if you like
We'll tell them all tonight
They'll never listen
Because their minds are made up
Of course it's all okay to carry on that way

Cause over there there's broken bones
There's only music, so that there's new ringtones
And it dun't take no Sherlock Holmes
To see it's a little different around here

Don't get me wrong though there's boys in bands
And kids who like to scrap with pool cues in their hands
And just cause he's had a couple of cans
He thinks it's alright to act like a di*khead

Don't you know
Oh it's a funny thing you know
We'll tell them if you like
We'll tell them all tonight
They'll never listen
Because their minds are made up
Of course it's all okay to carry on that way

I said no, oh no
Well you won't get me to go
Not anywhere, no anywhere
No I won't go
Oh no no

Well over there there's friends of mine
What can I say, I've known them for a long long time
And they might overstep the line
But you just cannot get angry in the same way
No no in the same way
no in the same way

I kIcK oFF ma BLog wIt THe LyRiCs Of A CeRtaIn RoMAncE bY AmaZiNg ArcTiC MoNKeYs(HAha!SbNYA 2 HArI fKiR pEr nK POSt 4 De isT tIMe..sHooT BtUL..taDer IDea..hUHu)

Ok 'BitterSweeT PoETrY' KLo ADeR SpeR2 cKp Ak GIrLie KEr JiWAnG keR bUNgE caM PoK jaK kEr, Ak Ok JeR BeB..mEmbEr2 kN..HuhU..AcT iT is A sOnG oF kANyE wESt aND JoHN mAYeR..aLbUm GRAduaTioN..cHcK oUt La..x RuGi DgR..sO MSer 2 FkIr LMeR gLeR La nK LTaK nMeR pEr..LaSt2 dGR LgU 2 PLaK Den KEy iN The WorDs La..De rESt wAs HisTOrY~

oK dE SonG Yg aRCtIc MonKeYS nI,dIpEtIk pOM tHeIr DeBuT aLBuM baCk In jaNUaRy 2006, 'whaTeVeR PeOpLe sAy I aM, tHAt's WhaT I'M nOt'..TiTLe aLbUM pOn Da GeMpaK kN(HuhU!)..1sT HeaRD Tis SoNg WAs baCk In 2006 La..TrUS jD 'taKsUb'..hAha!

wELL,sRiusLy saID,ALeX tUrNeR(FrOnTmaN MeraNGkaP WrItEr) aRcTic MoNkEys Is PuRe GeNiUs..LyRiCS pOm HiM SumEr SupERb..sHeeR GeNiUS..I aLwaYS aDmIrE daN kaGum Sgt2 Mr TuRnEr NYe LyRiCaL TaLeNt ..MeNgIKuT kaTe NyE, TaLeNt 2 Di dEvEloP oLeH BoTh PArEnTS nYe,BpaK geRmaN TeaChEr & MAma nYE eNgLisH tEAcHeR..anK cIKgU!!hUhu..sBB 2 La Ak KAgUM GLeR de..Lg 1 de AnK tUNggaL..Cm KHiRoL NgN iQbAL La..2 psAL bLEr MNuLiS IDea MENcUraH-cUraH Ke LaDAnG gaDuM(Ah?!)huHU..

Ok sBB pOSt lYrIcs Ni 2 KiCk OfF iaLaH,(bKn sAJeR2 beB),KeRaNA sAyEr RAsEr,Tis SoNg sUIt MA pErsOnaLiTy dE aLwaYS sUcK At WrItE oUt MA BiO N BaCKgrOunD So By USinG de LyRiCS, iTS A LoT easiEr tHAn CiTer sATU2 bOt Me La..MALu BeB cTeR SaL drI sENdrI Ni(hUHu!)

FrOM de LyRiCS,KitE X bLEy MEnILaI oRg BerDAsaRKAn dResS uP(huhU)..GoT 2 dO iT PoM dE iNSiDe..TheIr hEArt, DeY aLwAys sAId..2 ME, i aLWayS LiK iT dE mOSt tO aPPeaREd sTUpID And dOnKEys aS* 2 eVeRyoNE eYes,bIAr OrG nMpaK kIte cM kUtu dAn SAmpaH(SamPAh BEb..HUHu)Yg X taU PeR2..LnGSuNG..paStu sHo DorNk sUmEr TerKeJUt Den WeN dEy FiNd OuT KItE x Cm SamPAh..aLWAys Luv ThEiR reaCTioN..HaHA

Lg,'mIndS r MAdE uP'..WeLL,oNE oF dE faCt taT i CudNT AccEpT..huhU..I aLwAys Go AgaINSt tIS faCt..I WaNNa Re-pRoGraMMe OtHAs mINd..TaT'S thE hIGhESt aRt sECoNd To PoLiTiCS..SusAH bEb Nk PeNgaRuH orG..

ErM Lg Kt LyRicS 2 deR mEnTIoN sHErLocK HoLMes..wELL ArCtIC mONkEys eNgLisH sUMeR kN..dETecTiVe HoLMes,MAsTAPiEce Of SiR ArtHUr CoNAn dOyLe,mmG bnYAk MeMpEnGArUHi Org La..GnIus iN PenGARuH oRg nI..HuhU..InsPIrED gOShO AoYAma waT cItER dEtEkTiF COnaN..besH Do!

LaSt, aT dE eNd Of De sONg,PeNyaJAk mEnGAjar(HAhaHa!Bm BEb!) ErTi pErsAhaBAtAn dLm KHiDuPAn KIte SehaRiAn..tHerE'S a FrIEnd Of miNE..WuT caN i sAY,Ive KnOWn dEM 4 A Long2 TiME...N dEy MiGht OvAStEP dE LiNE...BUT U JZ CANNOT GET ANGRY IN DE SAME WAY~..HArgaILaH KWn2 KiTe..KwN2 kItE miGth Nt b As GOOd LOOkiN,PnDai,KaYeR,sTYLe, Or CuTe Cm KiTe, 2 beFRieND dEM x BLeY La KtE nK comPlAin psAL dORNk nYE sTYLe.X BLeY La KTe jeR nK org IkUt Kte Tp Kte X ReTi rsPEct OrG nYE sTYLe.. wE mIgHT LOk aT KWn2 KiTe aS SamPAh tOdaY,bT We aLwaYS NoT GoNna kNow wuT HAppEnD NXt IN tHE fUtUrE~CIAo~SeKIAn dLu kICkOff-BLoG sAyEr~c U gUys NExT tIme~bYE2(BuDgEt ANdY GraY..huhU..maN u RoXs BEb mnanG LaST NiTE..F ChEAlsEA!haHAha)